Monday, November 7, 2011

Beauty queen who dreamed of becoming a nun is crowned Miss World

 Miss World 2011,Miss Venezula, Ivian Lunasol Sarcos Colmenares, has taken the coveted title
She was the favourite for the Miss World title going into the final at Earls Court, London, yesterday evening but reacted with delight and disbelief when she was announced as the winner of the famous beauty pageant. Now she said she wants to use her title to help other people.
She said: 'Winning means everything to me and I hope to take advantage of being a winner in a productive manner. I’m unbelievably happy to have won and there are some incredible girls. I first and foremost want to help people in need. I would like to help people like me. I am an orphan. I would also like to help the elderly and troubled teenagers. As many people as I can.
'Unfortunately I lost both my parents at a very young age which led me to study for five years in a nunnery. I spent my five years in there and my dream was to become a nun.'
Miss Venezuala Ivian Sarcos reacts as she is crowned winner at the Miss World competition
Miss World 2011 Winner Miss Venezuela: Miss Venezuela reacts with disbelief after being told she has taken the title out of 122 contestants...
Delight: Miss Venezuela reacts with disbelief after being told she has taken the title...
before being crowned by last year's winner, Alexandria Mills of the United States
... before being crowned by last year's winner, Alexandria Mills of the United States
The beauty queen is all smiles as she presents to the judges
The beauty queen was elated to find she would go through to the final seven - and had no inkling then that she would go on to win
Ivian was all smiles as she presented to the judges earlier in the evening, and had shown surprise when she was put through to the final seven - perhaps having no inkling she would later be crowned the winner
The newly crowned Miss World, pictured outside ITV's Daybreak studios, appeared on the breakfast show to talk about her win
The newly crowned Miss World, pictured outside ITV's Daybreak studios, appeared on the breakfast show to talk about her win
The newly crowned Miss World, pictured outside ITV's Daybreak studios, appeared on the breakfast show to talk about her win
A woman who spent five years living in a nunnery and once dreamed of becoming a nun has been crowned Miss World 2011.
Miss Venezuela, Ivian Lunasol Sarcos Colmenares, beat contestants from 113 countries to the coveted title after impressing the judges in the categories of beach beauty, top model, talent, sports, and beauty with a purpose - where the contestants must demonstrate involvement in a charity project.
Ms Sarcos Colmenares, 21, one of 13 siblings, was orphaned at eight and spent five years studying at a nunnery. She dreamed of becoming a nun but her life took a different direction, as she gained a degree in human resources and worked for a broadcasting company before becoming a beauty queen.

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